Palazzo Vienna
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Toni Mörwald – Eating time is life time
None other than Toni Mörwald is responsible for the culinary delights at PALAZZO Vienna, who stands for the best Austrian hospitality and true culinary culture like no other chef. His innovative ideas, his excellent craftsmanship and his clear commitment to high-quality, regional products have made the native of Lower Austria one of the most successful and popular chefs in the country. It will be incredibly tasty again next season! You can look forward to down-to-earth cuisine and a delicious four-course menu with a large portion of sophistication and familiar ingredients that are excitingly combined with each other. The Spiegelpalast in Vienna's Prater is a delicious and entertaining mix of haute cuisine, created by Toni Mörwald, and the best variety entertainment. PALAZZO is contemporary, breathtaking acrobatics, accomplished body art, distinctive comedy, a great live band and a 4-course gourmet menu created by star chef Toni Mörwald.
Program / Dates
10th November 2023 - 17th March 2024
Prater 121
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