Prater Museum
NEW OPENING: After decades on the edge of the action, hidden in a side wing of the planetarium, the Pratermuseum is moving into the center of the “Wurstelprater”.
On the street of 1st May, in the center of the "Wurstelprater", the new Pratermuseum is being built, which will do justice to presenting the more than 250-year history of the Vienna amusement park. As one of the first public wooden buildings in Vienna, it becomes a model for the integration of ecological and social sustainability. After construction started in autumn 2022, the roof level was achieved in June 2023. The new Pratermuseum will be open all year round from Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from March 15th.
Prater Museum Old and New
Hardly any amusement park is as strongly linked to the city's identity as the “Wurstelprater” is to Vienna. The first amusements were offered more than 250 years ago. To this day it is one of the city's most popular leisure attractions. The Pratermuseum celebrates the history of this Viennese institution. Until May 2023 it was located in a room in the planetarium, away from the busy paths and too small for the impressive Prater collection with its constant growth. In addition, conservation standards could not be met because the planetarium was not designed for museum use.
“The history of the Prater tells the story of many Viennese people. It's high time to redefine the Pratermuseum according to today's standards and place it at the center. “The city of Vienna would like to express its special thanks to the Prater families who keep the Prater alive and provide their valuable objects.” The new building will double the usable space available in the future: the history and present of the Prater will be illuminated using central objects on three levels. The Prater is a place of modernity, a place for everyone. The Pratermuseum represents an important contribution to the local history of entertainment culture and the city of Vienna.

For more information, please visit
Prater 92, Straße des Ersten Mai
opening hours: from 15th March 2024 Tuesday - Sunday 11 A.M. - 6 P.M. (01.01., 01.05., 25.12. closed)
entry: EUR 8,00 / reduced EUR 6,00. Free entry for everyone under 19 and every first Sunday of the month.
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